Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The laws of aerodynamics

I just got this, and wanted to share it with you - maybe if you're feeling frustrated or stuck and not sure what to do next, it will give you some "food for thought!"

According to the laws of aerodynamics, a bumblebee cannot fly. At all. However somebody apparently forgot to tell the bumblebee.

So, since it doesn't know about aerodynamics, or the laws of physics guess what? It flies anyway!

So my advice to you is - don't listen to anyone who tells you the reasons why you can't do something - and just do it anyway!

Do You Suffer from "Leisure Guilt?"

Okay, I admit it! After reading this article written by Dr. Raymond Folen who's an assoicate professor of psychology at Argosy University/Hawaii in Honolulu, I realized that I do suffer from Leisure Guilt! (But I'm working on it...) How about you?

Imagine that it's time for your vacation - one or two blissful, lazy weeks that are all yours to have visions of sleeping late, running around in your underwear or most comfortable pair of old jeans or sweats, maybe watching some television, going to the beach, or working on your hobby - basically, whatever you want to do! Nobody to check in with, report to, no deadlines, no reports - just peace and quiet...and finally, the day arrives...and you're so ready to enjoy yourself...

Just as soon as you check your email, your cell phone, your voice mail, fax machine, palm pilot, blackberry, Website, and intranet. (10 times a day).

Sound familiar?

According to Dr. Folen, "Leisure Guilt" isn't a new phenomenon. It's just that with the advent of technology that lets us keep in touch - with our friends, our families, our associates, our jobs - all at the touch of a button and at the speed of light - it's become too easy to keep in touch, even during a vacation, when you're supposed to be able to take a break from the rest of the world!

Of course, the simple solution would be to simply "unplug" and leave all your electronic devices at home - or to turn everything off, if you're spending your vacation at home. (Uh huh. I heard that gasp...)

So how do you know if you suffer from Leisure Guilt?


  • Overwhelming, compelling need to check your messages
  • Concern over what's happening while you're "on vacation"
  • Feelings of worthlessness or unproductiveness
  • Fear of "missing out" or "losing something" while you're away
  • Anxiety, stress and the inability to relax
  • Worrying about your job or tasks that will face you on your return

What Can You Do if you have Leisure Guilt?

  • Ask a trusted colleage to "watch your back" while you're gone and to contact you only if there's something urgent that only you can attend to
  • Before your vacation, make a list of the benefits and liabilites of taking it - if you're reassured by having someone watching your back, the liabilities side of the list should be shorter than the benefit side
  • Recognize the importance of taking a vacation for your mind, body and soul - it's as important as getting regular exercise, drinking plenty of water and watching your diet! (A vactions releases stress, gives you a fresh perspective and helps your body to rest and heal)

According to Dr. Folen, if you don't take a vacation now, chances are you'll be taking one later - at your local hospital while you recover from a stress-related condition. (And think of this - at the hospital, they don't serve poolside daiquiris!

If you're looking for a school, make sure you check out Argosy University/Hawaii - it's one of 14 Argosy University campuses, and four approved degree sites in 12 states. You can get more information at: . They offer doctoral and master's degree programs in psychology, business, counseling and education. They also offer bachelor's degree completion programs in psychology and business and associate's degree programs in various health science fields. And how hard could it be to live in Hawaii while you're going to school? Surfing, beach combing, hulu girls and luaos...hmmm...I might have to look into this one myself!

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