Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Unproductive College Programs In Mississippi Put on Probation and Receive Warning

This article written by Richard Lake of the Clarion Ledger gives you information you need if you're considering going to Mississippi to get your doctoral or other advanced degrees.

The only university that didn't have programs on the "probation list" was the "Mississippi University for Women"

  And according to Bill Smith, the state's acting commissioner of academic and student affairs, the state College Board isn't out to just "shut them down", but rather they're giving each school three years to get back on track.

On Wednesday, the board placed 37 programs on probation, and eliminated two others that were not graduating enough students.

To read the rest of the article, click this link:

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Gaps in Pharmacy Leadership

This is a thought-provoking article in Modern Health Care (dotcom) written by Gary Filerman and Kathryn Komaridis that talks about the critical need for leaders with advanced degrees in Pharmacology.

If this is a field you're interested in, or are already in but have been thinking about going back and continuing your degree - you're going to want to read it.
Note that you'll have to register in order to read the rest of the article, but registration is free, and takes only a minute. Here's the first three paragraphs - and click the link at the end of the post to read the entire article.

"Six years have passed since the Institute of Medicine first documented the crisis in patient safety and quality of care. In those years we have seen a plethora of studies and reports expanding upon that basic theme and, indeed, there has been progress on many fronts -- although advances have come slowly and with difficulty.

Two of the many barriers to progress are the shortage of pharmacy executive leaders with the competencies that the current system demands and the failure of senior managers to recognize how critical those skills are to achieving their performance objectives. And, the potential contribution of more effective medication system management in achieving those objectives is often overlooked.

With support from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, we have been studying the role of pharmacy management in general and in patient safety and cost containment in particular. While the IOM report addresses the role of medications in patient....."
Click here to read the rest of the article