Tuesday, July 11, 2006

“Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Launches College and University Presenters Program With Grants Totaling $4.5 Million.” Doris Duke Charitable Foundat

This press release provides some interesting information - especially if you're a presenter, or have been thinking about becoming one...if you want more details, just click the links...

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has announced four grants totaling $4.5 million through its new College and University Presenters Program, which encourages projects that integrate performing arts into academic life and the community.

The grants will provide both artistic programming and endowment support to university presenters of national significance. The first grantees included the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland ($375,000 artistic programming, $750,000 endowment), the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ($375,000 artistic programming, $750,000 endowment), and the University Musical Society at the University of Michigan ($250,000 artistic programming, $500,000 endowment).

In addition, the Association of Performing Arts Presenters was awarded $1.5 million to launch and manage the Creative Campus Innovations Grant Program. In April 2007, the association will award six to twelve grants ranging from $50,000 to $200,000 over two years to campus-based presenters proposing groundbreaking projects that demonstrate the importance of the arts to the educational, service, and scholarly missions of academic institutions.

"Campus-based presenters have access to a unique combination of intellectual, technological, and physical resources that could significantly enrich the creative process and experience for artists, students, and local residents," said Joan E. Spero, president of the New York City-based foundation. "We are excited to seed ideas through these grants for innovative ways to deepen the relationships and expand collaborations between artists and institutions of higher education."

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