Thursday, March 15, 2007

Master's Degree Program in Environmental Science

ST. PETERSBURG – USF The College of Arts and Sciences in St. Petersburg is already accepting applications for their new "Master of Science" degree program in environmental science, policy and geography that will begin this fall.

The college received separate accreditation for its applied environmntal science graduate program from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. And the "Applied Environmental Science" Master's Degree program is the first new academic program being offered on the USF St. Petersburg's campus.

Career Potential is High: Graduatese of this program will be fully prepared to become environmental professionals in local, state and federal environmental resource agencies; or they could choose to serv in the private sctor as environmental consultants or enter doctoral programs in environmental science and related fields.

Students will acquire a solid background in the foundational concepts in environmental science, as weell as design and conduct an original piece of applied research.

Graduates of the program will have the necessary skills to critically assess and evaluate a wide range of environmental issues, develop well-thought out strategic plans for sound ecosystem maintenance and program management.

“This program offers students an extraordinary opportunity to take advantage of the cluster of federal and state environmental science agencies right on our campus,” said Christopher F. D’Elia, regional associate vice chancellor for research and graduate studies, in a recent press release about the new program.

A unique distinction of the USFSP degree is its emphasis on problems related to inland waters and their resulting impact on coastal and estuarine resources. Additionally, because of its focus on the value of research and the production of publishable work, the USFSP program requires completion of a thesis.

In addition to scientific direction from USFSP researchers, D’Elia said student research could conceivably engage campus colleagues at the U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Wildlife Research Institute, National Oceanographic Atmospheric Agency, the U.S. Coast Guard and the USF College of Marine Science, as well as regional cooperators such as the Southwest Florida Water Management District, other state water management districts and the Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club.

Call Melanie Reidinger-Whitmore at USF-4971 to find out more.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Medical School is Considering Online Doctoral Nursing Program

Are you interested in getting a doctoral nursing degree, but you're worried about all the time it will take? Well, this may be the answer to your problems!

GW's Medical School has plans to launch an online program aimed at increasing the number of nurses after a study found a nationwide shortage of faculty teaching nursing courses.

The program will give students a doctorate in Nursing Practice through online courses and will allow graduates to teach nursing. The program will be voted on in February by the Board of Trustees and in the fall, if approved, it will be only the fourth of its kind in the country, said Ellen Dawson, the chair of the nursing department.

"(Medicine) is so complicated that we need clinicians who are well-versed. They need more knowledge," she said. "We are hoping this will provide stronger patient care that is based in evidence."

If approved, the school will begin recruiting students this spring and Dawson said they plan to enroll 15 to 20 students in the first year of the program.

The development of the program is largely a response to a ruling by the American Association of College Nursing that said that by 2015, the DNP will be required for nurse practitioners. Dawson said there are currently 24 DNP programs in the U.S. and more are being developed.

According to a survey by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nursing schools rejected more than 41,000 qualified applicants in 2005, compared to 18,000 in 2003. Three out of four schools reported the increased rejections were due to shortages of faculty members.

Dawson said graduates of the doctoral program will be able to teach nursing and help alleviate the shortages of nurses.

To read the rest of the article written by by Elise KignerElise Kigner
Hatchet Staff Writer"> Hatchet Staff Writer,

click this link.

U of M to offer New Doctoral Degree Programs in Rochester

According to a recent article in the Minneapolis St. Paul Jouranl written by staff writer Joel Grostephan, University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks has big plans for its Rochester operations which include establishing an official U of M campus in the city and envisioning the need for a chancellor to run the school.

The university also plans to implement 10 new degree programs, which don't already exist in other parts of the state, as well as several master's and doctoral programs, including a master's degree in health care administration for working professionals.

To find out all the details, check out the article by clicking this link.

ASU Social Degree Programs Merge

There's a new school for Sociology and Family and Human Development Majors at Arizona State University to call "home". The two departments recently merged and created the "School of Social and Family Dynamics."

The school is part of a redevelopment of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences which has added seven new schools in the past five years alone.

Graduate programs include master's and doctoral degrees in sociology or family and human development.

The merger means that the two departments will pool resources and offer more opportunities for students. To find out more, check out the article written by Annalyn Censky:

Critical Need for Pharmacists/Biomedical Research in Maine

Portland: In order to meet the critical need for pharmacists in Main, and to expand its biomedical research capability, the University of New England is entering into a new public/private partnership with the University of Maine.

To get all the details. check out this Press Release:

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Men are in the minority in graduate programs

According to an article I read in the Democrat and Chrinicle Local News, men are increasingly in the minority on the nation's college campuses. They only made up 42 percent of the undergraduate population in 2003-04, down from 44 percent in the 1995-96 school year, according to a study released this month by the American Council on Education.

To read the entire article (it's worth a look!) click this link:

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Unproductive College Programs In Mississippi Put on Probation and Receive Warning

This article written by Richard Lake of the Clarion Ledger gives you information you need if you're considering going to Mississippi to get your doctoral or other advanced degrees.

The only university that didn't have programs on the "probation list" was the "Mississippi University for Women"

  And according to Bill Smith, the state's acting commissioner of academic and student affairs, the state College Board isn't out to just "shut them down", but rather they're giving each school three years to get back on track.

On Wednesday, the board placed 37 programs on probation, and eliminated two others that were not graduating enough students.

To read the rest of the article, click this link:

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Gaps in Pharmacy Leadership

This is a thought-provoking article in Modern Health Care (dotcom) written by Gary Filerman and Kathryn Komaridis that talks about the critical need for leaders with advanced degrees in Pharmacology.

If this is a field you're interested in, or are already in but have been thinking about going back and continuing your degree - you're going to want to read it.
Note that you'll have to register in order to read the rest of the article, but registration is free, and takes only a minute. Here's the first three paragraphs - and click the link at the end of the post to read the entire article.

"Six years have passed since the Institute of Medicine first documented the crisis in patient safety and quality of care. In those years we have seen a plethora of studies and reports expanding upon that basic theme and, indeed, there has been progress on many fronts -- although advances have come slowly and with difficulty.

Two of the many barriers to progress are the shortage of pharmacy executive leaders with the competencies that the current system demands and the failure of senior managers to recognize how critical those skills are to achieving their performance objectives. And, the potential contribution of more effective medication system management in achieving those objectives is often overlooked.

With support from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, we have been studying the role of pharmacy management in general and in patient safety and cost containment in particular. While the IOM report addresses the role of medications in patient....."
Click here to read the rest of the article

Friday, July 21, 2006

Students in Oregon can Participate in Pre-Professional Apprenticeship Programs/Research

The  Medford News (dotcom) just ran an article about some interesting summer apprenticeship programs that pays a stipend and gives students from socially and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds a first-hand look at what going into health, science or other graduate programs could be like.

OHSU is a partner in Saturday Academy's Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering Program that offers pre-professional experience in science and engineering careers. The program provides high school freshmen, sophomores and juniors with an intensive experience in a professional, scientific or engineering environment. It also provides the opportunity to explore interests and to make informed educational and career decisions. Positions are available throughout Oregon and southwest Washington.

For eight weeks during the summer, apprentices participate in the program for the equivalent of a full-time position at their mentors' workplaces. Some students work on special projects designed to be completed in eight weeks; others contribute to the ongoing work of the mentors. Some apprentices are credited as authors or co-authors on professional publications or products used by their mentors.

Many students are hired to work with their mentors in following years. Most apprentices receive school credit for successfully completing the apprenticeship and participating in the conferences. In addition to the eight weeks at the mentor's site, apprentices participate in other activities designed to broaden their experience of science, math and technology.

Most applications for these summer programs are due in December. Students need to contact in late fall for contact information about summer programs and to learn about requirements and deadlines.

Other programs include:

Environmental and Biomolecular Systems faculty in the Department of Environmental and Biomolecular Systems at the OHSU OGI School of Science & Engineering offer upper-level high school students hands-on research experience. 

MedStars is a residential summer experience designed to help high school students aged 16 to 19 learn how to pursue a health care career and health career options.

Neurological Sciences Institute Merit Underrepresented Minority Supplement Program provides up to $5,000 a year to a high school student and junior faculty member to participate in research in the Balance Disorders Lab of Fay Horak, Ph.D. 

The Oregon Institute on Disability and Development (OIDD) Summer Youth Program provides an opportunity for several high school and college students to become exposed to some of the work being accomplished at OIDD.

Partnership in Scientific Inquiry class is designed to allow Portland area high school students an opportunity to experience scientific research. This program begins in the spring and may continue into the summer if the student and mentor agree to do so. High school credit can be obtained for participation in this upper-level class.

Cell and Developmental Biology Research Fellowship program enables undergraduates from across the country to gain paid research experience by working on a specific project in the laboratory of selected faculty members. The program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing research as a career.

Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology (CROET) Summer Student Research Awards are two-to three-month paid summer internships designed to introduce college sophomores, junior and seniors to various fields of biomedical research. I

Equity Summer Research Program is for sophomores and juniors who are interested in biomedical sciences and may be considering a medical degree or doctor of philosophy program.  Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

HAMS, Health Care Adventures in Medicine and Science, is a one-week summer enrichment program offered by OHSU Center for Diversity & Multicultural Affairs. Twenty selected undergraduate students job shadow health science professionals, use clinical equipment and attend classes similar to those taught through OHSU's various professional graduate programs.

Murdock Undergraduate Collaborative Research Program is designed for talented students from local Oregon colleges and universities who are interested in pursuing a career in biomedical research, particularly those who are considering graduate school or an M.D./Ph.D. program. 

Summer Fellowship Program in Neuroscience gives undergraduate students in-depth research experience in neuroscience with an established scientist.

To get all the details and to find out the specifics for the program you're interested in, click this link to read the entire article.

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Undergrad? Looking for research opportunity? Berkeley may have the answer for you!

This just in from Wendy Edelstein, Public Affairs at Berkley

Research opportunities abound for undergrads — from short-term stints to two-year programs
Berkeley offers many opportunities for undergrads to contribute to faculty research projects in myriad areas while earning a summer stipend and gaining invaluable lab experience.

Well-established campus research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) include

  • SUPERB (Summer Undergrad Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley);
  • UC LEADS (a two-year program geared toward math, engineering, and science undergrads with doctoral-degree potential who may be interested in leadership roles in different sectors);
  • the Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), which provides internship opportunities to undergraduates in the humanities and biological, physical, and social sciences; and
  • biotech internships organized by QB3 (Quantitative Biomedical Research).

For information about undergraduate research programs at Berkeley, visit For information about the NSF REU in evolution, developmental, and cell biology described in this article, visit

To read the rest of the article, click this link!

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Excellent Prognosis for Texas Nursing Program

This in from the in Texas...

The nursing program at the University of Texas at Arlington has wrapped up a national reputation as a center of educational excellence.  Most recently, the School of Nursing just purchased a new buildidng which will be turned into a "Smart Hospital" where students will be able to use high-tech simulators and gain hands-on experience on mannequin patients with symptoms that mimic a wide range of illnesses.  Because few schools in the nation have access to this technology, the School of Nursing at U of T provides students with invaluable insight that, for many others, only comes after years of on-the-job training.

Offering this program comes with other benefits for the school and the University as well - such as the $745,000 grant to the School of Nursing for a study of acute-care pediatric nursing practices, and a $728,000 grant for emergency nursing. 

Laerdal Medical Corporation provided some of the simulator manniquins for the Smart Hospital, and has designated UTA's nursing school as on of only six Laerdal Centers of Excellence Worldwide.

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Education Initiative Moves forward/Black Community Applauds Master Program and Tuition Help in Canada

This just in:  According to Rick Conrad, the education reporter for the Chronical, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Africentric Learning Institute is moving forward with their long-awaited plans when they announced a master's degree program.  In addition, young black students will get a little more help paying for rising univiserity tuition costs.

Way back in 1994, in the Black Learner's Advisory Committee Report on Education, recommended the creation of a stand-alone institute to develop curriculum and conduct ongoing research on issues affecting black students.

In an announcement made on Tuesday, the Education Department, Mount Saint Vincent University and the Council on African-Canadian Education unveiled a master of education degree in lifelong learning with a focus on Africentric leadership that will begin in September.

The two-year pilot program will enrol 20 part-time students who will study three core courses in lifelong learning, do a practicum and a project as well as elective courses concentrating on Africentric learning, said Jim Sharpe, the Mount’s dean of the faculty of education.

To read the entire article, click the link:

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Computer learns to play poker - and wins!

I just read an interesting article 9n the Pittsburg PA " Business News".  It seems that there is an IBM "super-computer" in the School of Computer Science Data Center that has not only beaten other computer programs playing games of "Texas Hold 'em", but it's also forced some expert human players to fold their hands!

Carnegie Mellon University Professor Tuomas Sandholm and Andrew Gilpin, a CMU doctoral student in computer science have been working on this program for the last 2 1/2 years.  Their latest program called "GS1" plays the more complex game of seven-card Texas Hold 'em, and their paper was published last summer for the National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence in Boston.

To read more, click this link:

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Enquiring Minds Want to Know - Which Graduate Schools are Ranked the Best?

Here is a list of the highest ranking grad schools provided by U.S. News and World Report on the Yahoo Education page...thanks guys, and keep up the good work! To get more information, just click the links!

Best Business Schools (ranked in 2006)

  1. Harvard University
  2. Stanford University
  3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
    Northwestern University (Kellogg)
  5. University of Chicago
  6. Columbia University
    University of California--Berkeley (Haas)
  7. Dartmouth College (Tuck)
  8. University of California--Los Angeles (Anderson)
Complete list of Top Business Schools Executive M.B.A. (ranked in 2006)
  1. Northwestern University (Kellogg)
  2. University of Chicago
  3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
Accounting (ranked in 2006)
  1. University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign
  2. University of Texas--Austin (McCombs)
  3. University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross)
Finance (ranked in 2006)
  1. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
  2. University of Chicago
  3. New York University (Stern)
Part-Time M.B.A. (ranked in 2006)
  1. New York University (Stern)
  2. University of Chicago
  3. Northwestern University (Kellogg)
Entrepreneurship (ranked in 2006)
  1. Babson College (Olin)
  2. Stanford University
  3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
More Business Specialty rankings

Press Release - Capella University Hosts Lecture by Historian Author Doris Kearns Goodwin

This just in:

MINNEAPOLIS, July 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Capella University, an accredited online university, will sponsor a presentation by Doris Kearns Goodwin, the acclaimed author, researcher and presidential scholar, entitled, "Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln," on Sunday, July 16, at 7:15 p.m. at the Phoenix Convention Center. Goodwin's presentation is based on her best-selling book, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. The cost of admission is $15 (payable at the door) and the public is invited to attend. The author will be available for book signing from 8:30 to 9 p.m.

Doris Kearns Goodwin's lecture marks the first in the Scholarly Speaker Series, a new series of learning experiences that Capella University is hosting for the public. Doris Kearns Goodwin will also present a session for Capella PhD students participating in the online university's July colloquium, or doctoral residency, in Phoenix.

"It's exciting to be part of Capella University's learning experience and to talk about history," Goodwin said. "There is much to learn from Abe Lincoln about leadership. His political genius was rooted in his remarkable array of emotional strengths that enabled him to form friendships with rivals who had previously disdained him, to put past grudges aside, to assume responsibility for the failure of subordinates, to share credit with ease and to learn from mistakes."

Each year, Capella hosts eight doctoral residencies (also called colloquia), which allow the online university's PhD candidates to meet with their peers and faculty in a variety of workshops and presentations related to their degree specializations. The colloquium in Phoenix will be held at the newly renovated Phoenix Convention Center, where Capella will participate in an inaugural ribbon cutting ceremony Sunday July 16 at 10:00 a.m.

Every Capella PhD candidate is required to attend three colloquia, which are

About Capella University

Founded in 1993, Capella University is an accredited* online university that offers graduate degree programs in business, information technology, education, human services, and psychology, and bachelor's degree programs in business and information technology. Within those areas, Capella offers 77 graduate and undergraduate specializations and 16 certificate specializations. The online university currently serves more than 15,700 learners from all 50 states and 63 countries. It is a national leader in online education, committed to providing high-caliber academic excellence and pursuing balanced business growth. Capella University is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capella Education Company, headquartered in Minneapolis. For more information, please visit or call 1-888-CAPELLA (227-3552).

held at locations throughout the United States. Of the more than 15,700 students pursuing an online degree at Capella, nearly 45 percent are PhD candidates. Capella's students are among the estimated 1.2 million Americans enrolled in online higher education.

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Penn State Wins $34 Million Dollar Contract from U.S. Dept. of Education for Laboratory

News You Can Use:

If you've been looking around at different colleges and universities, but you still don't know where to go, take a look at Penn State College in's why:

Penn State's College of Education is building on its longstanding commitment to excellence in its professional-preparation programs to become increasingly active in research efforts designed to improve practice in many parts of the field.

The most recent U.S. News and World Report graduate school rankings reflect the strength of the college faculty and their research. Six of the college's graduate degree programs were ranked in the top 10 nationally, showing a continual rise in the rankings. And strong rankings are attracting quality students and faculty.

During the 2005-2006 fiscal year, education faculty received more than $21 million in research funding awards. The college recently won a five-year, $34 million contract from the U.S. Department of Education to run the Mid-Atlantic Regional Education Laboratory. This laboratory is one of 10 national labs that have the responsibility for meeting the education research and development needs for particular regions of the country.

Read the full article here:

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WMU Trustees Remove 11 Grad Programs - Is Yours One of Them?

Breaking News:

This just in from KALAMAZOO (NEWS 3)

Western Michigan University's board of trustees voted Friday to eliminate 11 graduate programs, although a dozen programs that were on the cutting block were spared.

Trustees voted to maintain four doctoral programs: Applied Economics, Clinical Psychology, Spanish, and Computer Science.

Others were maintained, but with conditions to improve, including a PhD in statistics and several masters degree programs.

Eleven graduate programs are soon to be history: two doctoral, one specialist program, and eight masters programs, but they won't close the classrooms just yet.

"Students will be allowed and, in fact, encouraged to complete the original course of their degree without any change so that whatever they were coming in with the expectation of, that is what will be delivered," assured Prof. John Jellies, Graduate Program. Review Appeals Chair.

The target date for closing the 11 programs depends on when the last student in each graduates. For some, that's this fall. For others it could be as far off as 2013.

Read more about the budget decisions

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