Thursday, July 20, 2006

Education Initiative Moves forward/Black Community Applauds Master Program and Tuition Help in Canada

This just in:  According to Rick Conrad, the education reporter for the Chronical, located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Africentric Learning Institute is moving forward with their long-awaited plans when they announced a master's degree program.  In addition, young black students will get a little more help paying for rising univiserity tuition costs.

Way back in 1994, in the Black Learner's Advisory Committee Report on Education, recommended the creation of a stand-alone institute to develop curriculum and conduct ongoing research on issues affecting black students.

In an announcement made on Tuesday, the Education Department, Mount Saint Vincent University and the Council on African-Canadian Education unveiled a master of education degree in lifelong learning with a focus on Africentric leadership that will begin in September.

The two-year pilot program will enrol 20 part-time students who will study three core courses in lifelong learning, do a practicum and a project as well as elective courses concentrating on Africentric learning, said Jim Sharpe, the Mount’s dean of the faculty of education.

To read the entire article, click the link:

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