Thursday, July 20, 2006

Excellent Prognosis for Texas Nursing Program

This in from the in Texas...

The nursing program at the University of Texas at Arlington has wrapped up a national reputation as a center of educational excellence.  Most recently, the School of Nursing just purchased a new buildidng which will be turned into a "Smart Hospital" where students will be able to use high-tech simulators and gain hands-on experience on mannequin patients with symptoms that mimic a wide range of illnesses.  Because few schools in the nation have access to this technology, the School of Nursing at U of T provides students with invaluable insight that, for many others, only comes after years of on-the-job training.

Offering this program comes with other benefits for the school and the University as well - such as the $745,000 grant to the School of Nursing for a study of acute-care pediatric nursing practices, and a $728,000 grant for emergency nursing. 

Laerdal Medical Corporation provided some of the simulator manniquins for the Smart Hospital, and has designated UTA's nursing school as on of only six Laerdal Centers of Excellence Worldwide.

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